How long since I last posted? Shame me, welcomebot
I think one of things I'm going to read more about in the coming year is the psychology behind restarting things instead of finishing them - because the beginning bit is the most fun
@matigo Nope :)
So many people I interact with are in parts of the world that have a public holiday on 25th that I thought I'd be amusing with a typical Monday comment while it not being a typical Monday.
@variablepulserate My ThinkPad (Yoga) screen is disappointing. It spends most of its time closed with external Lenovo displays plugged in instead. Their proper monitors are good for the price.
// @matigo
@matigo Absolute mystery, this one. Nothing obvious stood out in the logs but I only had the briefest look.
I've self-hosted stuff long enough that I'm no stranger to things breaking for no apparent reason. But my Synapse instance (Matrix) just vanished without a trace. Which is new.