@matigo I don’t know. It was a waste of time meeting to discuss something that is a waste of time.
The fact my time got even more wasted was already ramping up my annoyance! 🤣
Wait in MSTeams 20mins for meeting. Then snooty email arrives haranguing me for not turning up. Quite angry.
@matigo I bought £5 of XLM many years ago, I cashed quite a chunk out late 2020 / early 2021. That £5 has bought £300 Nintendo for my kid, a £330 phone for me a £30 takeaway and £180 worth of house stuff and I still got a chunk left.
If I’d had the money to put in back then I’d be laughing from my own tropical island now! 😁😁😁
// @sumudu
@matigo “The easiest way to get rich in a gold rush is to be the guy selling the shovels.” to paraphrase an old business associate.
cf trading domain names
PinePhone shouldn’t be everyday phone part 78: latest updates on Manjaro/Stable seems to have broken SMS :(
@matigo 😁😁😁
I’m not sure I quite believe it either - but it was interesting to think about.
@matigo I read the other day that it’s because they’re made out of memories only, so every part is something that happened/exists in your brain, then even if the result of mixing all the parts is actually something new nothing triggers the “this is weird” response. (As I understood it anyway.)
About 1 month ago I had an idea to make something. Rushed to see if the perfect domain was available. No. Sadness - some jerk reg'd it first.
Today I found out the jerk who owns the domain is me, having reg'd it 2 months ago.