:) I prefer to be the one breaking stuff though


My week with a Linux phone: No HDMI out. Update. HDMI fixed but no Wifi. Update. Wifi fixed but no Bluetooth. 🤣

I always wanted a Series 5 (c. 1999?) I always thought I'd be so grown-up and organised when I got one!
More recently, its spiritual successor, the Gemini PDA turned my head and I was tempted to get one but far too poor at the time.


This handheld computer is nearly as old as me but look how gorgeous it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_Portfolio

It's the random things breaking without me having changed anything that I then have to hunt down to fix. Sometimes it's Manjaro's fault though. I miss Maemo.


Successfully talked myself out of buying a domain name "that would make a cool site", because I know I don't have the time to actually develop the site. Mature now, me.

Almost joined a Matrix room about Plasma before realising I spend a lot of time criticising it. I might not fit in too well there…

"What's he up to now?" - some admin in MI6


"coopey is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." BUT TO WHOM?!

I plan to take them down from the inside somehow. Keeping my eyes on ending the UK one day…
